St Luke's Lottery Sheffield Terms & Conditions
- By entering the St Luke’s Lottery, entrants agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions.
- St Luke’s Lottery is promoted by and on behalf of St Luke’s Hospice (Sheffield) registered in England & Wales Charity no. 254402, Company no. 922448, as a Society Lottery under the Gambling Act 2005.
- St Luke’s Hospice is licensed and regulated in Great Britain by the Gambling Commission ( under Society Lottery Operating Account number 5206.
- To enter the lottery, you must be resident in Great Britain and aged 18 (eighteen) years or over.
- It is an offence to buy or purport to buy a lottery entry on behalf of anyone under the age of 18 (eighteen) years of age.
- All lottery entries are priced at £1 each.
- Subscription across the year equates to £4.34 per month which is rounded up to £5 a month for Monthly Direct Debit players. The extra 66p donation from every £5 payment is eligible for Gift Aid - turning your 66p donation into 82p at no extra cost to you - allowing St Luke's to claim 25% Gift Aid on eligible donations, making them even more valuable.
- Each lottery number is unique. A randomly selected six/seven-digit lottery number will be issued with the confirmation of entry.
- All lottery entry sales are final and no refunds shall be made at any time. All entrants acknowledge that their payment of £1 per entry does not guarantee that they will win any prize.
- Full payment for each lottery entry must be received in the form of cleared funds before the lottery number can be entered into the draw. Only entries for which full payment has been received in the form of cleared funds, is eligible to win a prize.
- All draws for prizes will be conducted independently by our External Lottery Manager – StarVale Management and Technologies Ltd, using Gambling Commission approved, and independently tested, Random Number Generator (RNG) software.
- There will be 102 guaranteed weekly cash prize winners, plus one rollover cash prize, although additional prizes could be offered from time to time.
- Prizes (with the exception of the rollover prize) are guaranteed to be won, because only members who have paid in advance and are therefore in credit are included in the draw, which takes place every Friday.
- There is a separate draw for the rollover prize. In addition to Lottery Entries that are in credit, the Rollover Draw will include additional entries that are not in credit. If the randomly selected “winning entry” is an entry that is in credit, then the Rollover Prize will be paid out. However, if the “winning entry” is NOT in credit, then the Rollover Prize will not be paid out and the value will be carried forward to the next available draw.
- A list of winners will be published here each week. Alternatively, you can request a printed copy by calling us on 0114 235 7595.
- If a cash prize is awarded, this will be made by cheque in the name of the entrant only.
- All prize winners will be notified by letter within 14 days of the draw date.
- By accepting a prize you agree to take part in publicity for St Luke’s, who reserve the right to publish your name, residential area/town on the St Luke’s Lottery website.
- St Luke’s may occasionally wish to further publicise wins and may contact any winner to ask them to take part in additional promotional activity, with the permission of the winner. If further publicity is undertaken, St Luke’s reserves the right to use the winner’s story, photograph and any audio and/or visual recordings of them in any publicity unless prior notification has been received to the contrary.
- All entrants are solely responsible for providing St Luke’s with their accurate and up to date contact details and St Luke’s will be in no way liable for any failure or inability to contact any entrant due to any errors, omissions or inaccuracies in the contact details that the entrant has provided. In the event that an entrant changes their contact details, they will be solely responsible for advising St Luke’s of the change.
- St Luke’s is committed to protecting members’ privacy. Data that is collected from members is used lawfully in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and is used solely by St Luke’s to communicate with supporters. This may include lottery payment queries, informing winners that they have won a prize, sending newsletters and fundraising appeals.
- Any member has the right to access the information held about them. To obtain this information, please contact St Luke’s in writing.
- St Luke’s will not sell, rent or grant access of any personal data to any third party without express prior permission.
- St Luke’s Lottery membership can be cancelled at any time by notifying St Luke’s in writing, by phone or via email.
- Any complaints relating to St Luke’s Lottery should be sent in writing to: St Luke’s, Little Common Lane, Sheffield S11 9NE, or via email to, giving full details of the complaint and any supporting documentation.
- In the event of any dispute regarding the way St Luke’s Lottery is conducted, in the first instance, our External Lottery Manager will endeavour to rectify and resolve the complaint. In the event that the complaint is not resolved, St Luke’s will then try to resolve the complaint. In the event that the complaint is still not resolved to the satisfaction of the complainant the matter will be referred to IBAS (Independent Betting Adjudication Service), an independent third party, in order that they can make a judgement.
- St Luke’s reserves the right to disqualify any entrant if it has reasonable grounds to believe the entrant has breached any of these terms and conditions.
- The St Luke’s person responsible for the promotion of the lottery is Mr Anthony Saunders.
- Nothing within these terms and conditions shall create or should be construed as creating any form of contract between any entrant and St Luke’s.
- St Luke’s shall not be liable to any lottery member for any loss or damage suffered or arising from:
• any delays or failures in the postal service or other delivery methods used by St Luke’s or the lottery member from time to time
• any delays or failures in any software or other systems used by St Luke’s or our External Lottery Manager for the administration of the lottery
• any delays or failures in the Banking system used by St Luke’s or the member
• any refusal by St Luke’s to accept registration of an individual as a member or the cancellation of a member
• any failure to enter a chance into the draw
• any event beyond the reasonable control of St Luke’s. - Neither St Luke’s, nor our External Lottery Manager, shall be liable to you in contract, tort, negligence or otherwise for any indirect or consequential loss suffered by you in relation to your participation in St Luke’s Hospice (including loss of the opportunity to enter the Lottery and/or the chance of winning a prize).
- Participation in St Luke’s Lottery is a form of gambling. Participants are encouraged to gamble sensibly. If you feel you have a problem with gambling, we recommend you visit the Gamble Aware website ( or call the GamCare National Helpline on 0808 8020 133.
- Each member should retain a copy of these Terms and Conditions for their reference.
- St Luke’s reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time. If St Luke’s does this, it will publish the amended terms and conditions on the website
- A copy of these terms and conditions may also be obtained by sending a stamped addressed envelope to: St Luke's Lottery, St Luke’s, Little Common Lane, Sheffield S11 9NE.
- The Laws of England and Wales shall govern the interpretation and/or enforcement of these Terms and Conditions and St Luke’s and all entrants hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.
- £5/£10 per monthly subscription will ensure that you never miss a draw and any excess pence that don't play in a draw will be gratefully accepted as a donation by St Luke's.
St Luke's Spring Raffle 2025
- Entry to the draw is open to residents of Great Britain over the age of 18. Anyone found to be under 18 years of age will have the cost of their ticket refunded and will not be eligible to win a prize. The cost of a ticket is £1.
- The first prize is £2,500, second prize £1,500, third prize £750 and 4th prize £250. All prizes are cash and will be paid by cheque within 7 days.
- This draw is independent of St Luke's Lottery weekly draw. Lottery members are not automatically entered in to this raffle. Entry is by purchase of Spring Raffle tickets only.
- The first Prize winner will be notified by telephone. All winners will receive their cheques automatically by post, there is no need to claim a prize. A list of winners will be published on our website.
- Entry closes online at midnight on Tuesday 13 May 2025. (Postal entry closes at noon on Wednesday 17 May 2023.) The draw takes place on Wednesday 14 May 2025.
- Enter the draw by 14 April 2023 to be entered into an extra draw for a £100 M&S Gift Card
- Winners may be asked to be photographed and provide a quote to help St Luke's Lottery promote future draws
- Any ticket money received after the closing date will be treated as a donation to St Luke's Hospice Sheffield.